Monday, March 30, 2009

Patty Comes Home and Kenny Goes Home

So its been an interesting week filled with a ton of good news and good times. On Wednesday we had school with the boys normally as we waited for the call to see when Patty could come home to be with us. During the day dragged some wood in and chopped it up for firewood and helped Ed a little bit with Patty's bed that he was making. After that I recorded the boys grades and got them caught up. We eventually got a phone call and heard that we could pick up Patty the next day. The rest of the night we got things ready for the next day when Patty would arrive. On Thursday Ed and Val went into the city to pick up Patty while the boys and I had school at the house. They weren't going to be home in time for Val's first English class so I helped Carolina teach it. After the afternoon class I went home to celebrate Patty's birthday which was the same day she arrived to us. When I got back to the house she was there and still exploring everything. We got a pinata for her and filled it with candy. She had fun swinging a wooden bat at it and almost hit ed a few times while he was holding the rope for the pinata. We then had some dinner and birthday cake to celebrate. She seemed to be doing a pretty good job adjusting to everything. That night she went with Ed and Val to Val's other English class which they had to cut short becuase Patty started crying a little while she was there. Val told me that the nighttime was the hardest for Patty who didn't want to sleep in her own bed and was afraid to be near Ed in Ed and Val's bed. The next day we got up early and I got ready to go to the airport. Ed, Val, and Patty dropped me off and then went to pick her up some more clothes. My first flight got delayed and then redirected becuase of the winds. We made a stop in San Pedro in Honduras to refuel and then flew off to Miami. The flights went well and I arrived back in the States for a surprise visit that only my Mom and my brothers girlfriend knew about. Friday night I stayed at my Mom's house. The next day my brother showed up early in the morning to pick my mom up to go to an indoor water park in Wisconsin to celebrate his birthday. He was shocked when I opened the door and said I was the best birthday present and best surprise he has ever gotten in his life. We drove up to the water park and I had to be quiet in the car ruing phone call becuase my sisters family and my other sister drove separately and didn't know I was there. When we got to the water park i let my brother, Vanessa, and my mom go in first and i waited a minute then went in. While everyone was greeting one another I jumped out and my oldest sister screamed at the top of her lungs. So all the surprises went well and the water park was fun. My nieces absolutely loved it and me and my brother acted like kids and it was great. We drove back to my brothers house and played video games for a while. The next day Adam, my mom, and I went to Red Robin to have my sister Candice wait on us. It was nice for me to see a bunch of people that I used to work with. After wards we headed into the city to celebrate Adam's and my cousins birthday. We met up with my dads side of the family at the home my grandma is staying it. We had Lou Malnatis pizza and sat and talked for a while. Eventually we came back to my brothers house. Ive tried to post a lot of picture on facebook while I've been home since I have a good internet connection here. I'm heading back to Honduras tomorrow and will be there until June 24th to finish the boys school year. It was nice to have some time back in the States with my family but the weather could have been a little nicer. Thanks for all the support and prayers.

1 comment:

Mama said...

Hope you have a safe flight back tomorrow morning, Honey. It was wonderful to see you again and share some fun family times. The next 3 months will probably seem to fly by quickly, so enjoy each moment and give Patty a big hug for me! Love you, Ma