Friday, April 10, 2009

Fire and Snipers

Saturday Dina and Lewie arrived in Honduras safe and sound. Ed and I picked them up after we dropped Wes off at a school in the city to take the ACT test. The airport was a little crazy and they were in customs for a while but we made it out with all their luggage alright. The Saturday service and the soccer league on Sunday got canceled last weekend and the upcoming weekend because it is holy week in Honduras and the whole country shuts down. I was sad that Dina and Lewie wouldn't have an opportunity to see the ministry in action with all the kids running around but their visit has still been amazing. For those of you who don't know Dina has been a mentor for me over the years and she is very special to me so her being here means a lot to me. When we got back to the house I felt like it was Christmas becuase she had so much stuff for me. my favorite were the letters she gave me from her and others who she encouraged to write me. I must say a quick thank you to all the people who sent down letters with her. Thank you Gar Bear, Ben, BB, Holly, Lauren, Nicole, Josie, and Hannah. I sat up the night that Dina gave them to me and had lots of laughs. I enjoyed them and ton although it made me miss all of you (even the random somewhat creepy Ben Dvorak who I've only met a couple of times). Saturday night we got Dina and Lewie settled and then played some games before bed. Sunday we sat around and instead of going into the city for church we had church at the house. I played a few worship songs and then we watched a video sermon. I also showed Dina and Lewie around the property even though it was empty. Sunday was a pretty relaxed day except for the fire that we had to fight. Here in Honduras they burn all the brush in the dry season for reasons I don't understand. Our neighbors were burning and we watched from a safe distance. Then out of no where the wind shifted and the fire was heading straight for the house. Lewie, Ed, and I decided to help the Hondurans who were trying to fight the fire while AJ and Wes passed us buckets of water over the fence. Eventually we got the fire under control and Lewie got a cool story to tell everyone back in the States. Speaking of water we have been ok on water although we could use some more. We have been using creek water from our pila and rinse water from the washing machine to flush toilets to save the water in our cistern for showering and laundry. On Monday I had the boys do school and hung out with Dina during the day. In the afternoon Dina, Patty, Val, AJ, and I went to visit Christian's family. We brought them a blanket from Dina and some clothes from Dina's daughter Abby for Christian's sister. The visit went well and I was glad Dina could meet a family that is very special to me. Monday night we had baked potatoes for dinner and i balled up my foil and threw it at Wes and yelled, "sniped" which I usually do when we have aluminum foil at meal times. After wards though I decided to make it a game where we all got a ball and started all round the house and tries to hit one another. Now sniper is a game that everyone in the house enjoys playing because who wouldn't enjoy attempting to assassinate their family and friends with aluminum foil? On Tuesday I did the boys schooling during the day and after wards joined Ed, Lewie, and Dina at the property to work. Ed and Lewis cut wood for cabinets. Dina and I polyurethaned the wooden bathroom stalls which I like to call polyurinating. We had fun doing it and made jokes about how Lewie and Ed were becoming bffs. Wednesday Dina, Lewie, Ed, and I went into the city to paint at the day care and we picked up a few things from the store on the way there. Val stayed home with the boys and Patty and took care of their schooling for the day. The painting went well and we finished off a few rooms that the other teams didn't get to. Yesterday the boys got the day off of school to work with Lewie and Ed while Dina, Patty, Val, and I visited a couple families from the property in the morning and afternoon. In our morning visit Dina connected with a Honduran woman named Dina and they loved on each other despite the language barrier. It was nice to see the family since I haven't had an opportunity to see the for a few weeks. The visit in the afternoon went well too although Val invited another missionary and her kids so it wasn't as personal or enjoyable for Dina. I had fun playing with the kids and getting filthy doing it. Today we will be going to the waterfall with the girls from the old ministry that Ed and Val use to house parent so it should be a fun day. Patty has been adjusting pretty well to everything. She was really afraid of Ed and first and was definitely more comfortable with women than men. She loves her Tio Kenny and I have taught her the essentials like sticking her tongue out, saying nanananana, and asking people if they want to fight. She absolutely loves Dina and she calls Lewie Luis because she has never heard the name Lewie before. Well I got nothing else to say. Thank you for all the support and prayers. Happy Easter to everyone, may God bless the time you have with your families celebrating our Salvation. Adios.

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